Tuesday, August 11, 2009

equation in my life.





love this pic, makes you think about it.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

my (new) crib

yo hos.
4 months since i last updated.. sorry about that.
just to share with you guys (whoever who reads or checks this blog out anyway) that i've recently moved in to a new place.
not that far from the previous one, so i'll still get to see my BFFFFFFFFF when she's back from Aussie!
here're some pics of what my new place looks like.

the living room, which is a void space...

the dining room, which is also a void space... fat guy seated there is one of my housemates.

my room, which is...kinda empty.

i love it very much.

previously, it had a lil wiring problem when i first came in. the cooling liquid (or whatever which makes the air cold) goes to my housemate's air conditioning unit if i turn my on, resulting to just normal room temperature air coming out from my unit, unless he turns his unit on, then mine will actually work just fine. what i just said might be a lil too difficult for those people with low IQ to follow. but now ITS OKAY!!!

my oven. while i'm posting this post, i'm also currently baking Hazel FC's famous cool-kies (cookies), which unfortunately, is a disaster cause of the stupid brand of butter i'm using (and not the trusted FERN butter).

the house is great, airy, wide, spacious, though a lil far from the MRT station, but there are pros and cons. the WORST part of it is...

holy shit.

i actually did propose to the landlord that i paid half of the installment of a seated "jamban", which is a good deal for them cause if they were to rent it out again, the owner could bargain for a higher price. the answer i got from the landlady (landlord's wife, duh) was "no, sorry. i dont want to change this toilet too. (master bedroom's toilet is a seat type too). i want to keep one where i can SQUAT and s***."

sad case.

Friday, March 13, 2009


i should have done this since a long time ago.
thanks for all the fun times we had. i dont think anything we do or say will bring us back to where we had left.
save tonight and fight the break of dawn,
come tomorrow - tomorrow i'll be gone

Saturday, February 14, 2009

14th February

happy over-hyped romantic day to all of you =)

during this lovely day, i hope neither one of you lovebirds get into trouble, especially with our law enforcers.

so, here i am, sharing some tips with you all as to avoid gettin' messy with them police.