so, upon reaching KL, i met up with seongboi and co for a late nite treat @ nasi kayu kandar, THAT'S REAL PROPER NASI KANDAR, SINGAPORE! sorry, no pic of what i ate, handphone was low on battery, anyway i took the famous ayam madu, as usual.

PS: i'm single.
had to run errands after the convo, didnt get to play football on that evening, i've sinned. dropped like a rock for 20 minutes on the bed (ol' school hantu, kelvin ho knows what i'm talking about.) and had to prepare for the graduation ball.
we had fun during the ball even though they served us crap food (except the pasta), and also the waaaaaaaay chilly table that mr Ravi decided to sit at.
the boys of 2007
some went to Rush @ Eastin hotel after the party, while some of us went to Bamboo over at TTDI Plaza for a drink. i'm placing my bets at TTDI Plaza to be one of the new hotspots for people who want to avoid over packed clubs with regular raids by our favourite policemen.
sunday. woke up early again to bake the famous cool-kies, recipe from Hazel's wannabe striker, Chan. gave away 50% of what i baked though haha!
mmmmmmmmmmmmm i didnt bring any to singapore
after that, had to fix my futsal shoes, bought a futsal ball, a pump, and cadbury choc which melted towards the end of my day in KL so i had to leave it behind =( had lunch with seongboi and co again at jalan gasing's famous chicken rice shop, THAT'S CHICKEN RICE TO YOU SINGAPORE! reached home at 6.20, got sounded by parents cause bus leaves at 7pm lol. didnt get to have a proper dinner at home, stuffed the home cooked food into my mouth and went off to IBM tower to take the bus. the bus was supposed to be good, unfortunately the driver decided to play some fancy thai song which was noisy, and later on played Grasshoppers' (canto boy band) concert on the tv WTF!!!!!! to top it all, I FORGOT MY MP3 PLAYER OMG!!!!
wont be goin back to KL for the next 2 months, shrug. i'm gonna miss PJ, my family, my bed, my turtle, football sessions, proper food, my car bleh.
dickhead werkin at hypermart.
and of course, i'm gonna miss...
ohh, i'm still single.